COVID-19 and Protection Orders
At the outset of the pandemic, significant concern was raised regarding whether the economic difficulties and mobility restrictions posed by the pandemic would lead to an increase in family violence.
Recently, Alberta Legal Aid has weighed in on this issue via their Webinar How to Help Someone in a Family Violence Situation. As noted by the presenters, Alberta Legal Aid saw both an increase in Emergency Protection Order Applications in 2020 and an increase in callers inquiring about their options on how to address family violence. The presenters also noted that, from 2019 to 2020, the number of children protected by Emergency Protection Orders increased by a staggering 12%.
For those facing family violence, or for those who know someone who is struggling with family violence, we strongly recommend people review our post Protection Orders 101 which reviews Emergency Protection Orders and other Protection Orders available to members of the public. We also recommend watching Legal Aid Alberta’s webinar How to Help Someone in a Family Violence Situation, found here.
EBL Family Law is here to help. We can assist individuals seeking an Emergency Protection Order or Queen’s Bench Protection Order and further assist individuals as they navigate further family law issues including parenting and exclusive possession of the family home.
If you have any questions about Protection Orders, the Covid-19 pandemic and how it impacts you and your family, or any other family law issues, you can set up a consultation by calling our office at 587.440.3070 or by using the Contact form on our website. Our office is set up to work virtually and we can assist you with any family or divorce issues you may have during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The above information regarding Protection Orders and the Covid-19 pandemic, including information from Legal Aid Alberta cited in this article, does not constitute legal advice. EBL Family is not liable for any reliance on the above information.