EBL Family Law’s Response to Covid-19

EBL Family Law Response to Covid-19 Eryn Logie Family Law

At this time, the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench and the Provincial Court of Alberta have released various notices outlining their response to Covid-19. As part of the response by the Courts, only certain matters classified as emergency or urgent are being heard by the Court of Queen’s Bench and the Provincial Court of Alberta. Numerous matters which had been previously scheduled have also been adjourned. To read the notices and obtain further details about how these changes will impact you, please see the Court of Queen’s Bench website (here) and the Provincial Court’s website (here).

Please note that EBL Family Law continues to operate despite the limited operations of the Court and the closure of schools and various businesses. We are doing everything we can to continue with business as usual and serve our clients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, we are still providing consultations via telephone, and would be happy to assist you with your matter if you are seeking representation or if you are uncertain about how the Court’s response to Covid-19 has impacted your matter.

The health of our clients, staff and the public is of the upmost importance. We understand that during these exceptional times, our clients hope to continue moving their matters forward to conclusion. To this end, we are working collaboratively with other members of the profession to achieve results for our clients during this time.

When necessary and where possible, we are set up to work remotely and intend to schedule appointments via telephone or other conferencing means. Consequently, for individuals seeking to schedule a consult, the best way to contact our office is to use the ‘Send a Message’ function on the Contact page of our website or to call us at 587-390-3070. For current clients who may have questions or concerns, please contact us via email instead of telephone.

Please stay healthy. We look forward to continuing to work with you and will be following the protocols as set forth by Alberta Health. We will advise if the foregoing changes.

Kind regards,

Eryn B. Logie